sábado, marzo 17, 2007

Mientras tanto,
en estos trasiegos de memoria antigua que me llega en forma de referencias inesperadas, de voces en la radio, de portadas históricas, de personajes de la literatura clásica, de nombres propios de ficción,
olvido el pin de mi tarjeta de débito.

Entro al cajero, como hago siempre, inserto la tarjeta en la ranura y descubro que no me acuerdo.

Eso fue anoche.
Esta mañana, sigo sin recordar.
He llamado al banco y esta semana me envían por correo un nuevo pin. Un nuevo código de cuatro cifras. Y me da miedo.
Me da miedo la nueva combinación numérica que pueda recibir. Que pueda tener que ver con los números que llevo escritos hasta ahora...

'Todo lo que hice con dinero'. Con el dinero que no puedo sacar hasta que no reciba por correo el nuevo número.


Blogger bleeeeeeeeeeeeeee said...

Wishes and phantasies are not infrequently employed in the erection of this facade, which were already fashioned cipro in the dream thoughts; they are akin to those of our waking life--day-dreams, as they are very properly called.. For the following dream, which again was told me in order to deter me from a hasty generalization of the theory of wishing in dreams, viagra I am indebted, not to a patient, but to an intelligent jurist of my acquaintance.. Buller was terribly frightened; his boat was cutting through the water as never vessel of her class had sped since sail-boats were invented, and bumping rozerem against the bank as if she were a billiard-ball rebounding from the edge of a table.. You told me to go up jostlin' , he replied. acetaminophen. A psychical procedure has been reached which, informed by the experience of life, exercises with jealous power a dominating and restraining influence upon psychical emotions; by its relation to consciousness, and by its spontaneous mobility, it is endowed with the motrin greatest means of psychical power...

4:17 a. m.  
Blogger Gus said...

Feliz día del trabajo...

9:35 a. m.  

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