Cartas de amor
Todas as cartas de amor são
Não seriam cartas de amor se não fossem
(Fernando Pessoa)
Scott -- there's nothing in all the world I want but you -- and your precious love -- All the material things are nothing. I'd just hate to live a sordid, colorless existence -- because you'd soon love me less -- and less -- and I'd do anything -- anything -- to keep your heart for my own -- I don't want to live -- I want to love first, and live incidentally -- Why don't you feel that I'm waiting -- I'll come to you, Lover, when you're ready -- Don't don't ever think of the things you can't give me -- You've trusted me with the dearest heart of all -- and it's so damn much more than anybody else in all the world has ever had --
(Zelda Fitzgerald a Scott Fitzgerald)
darling Emily dear, dear Emily darling, Emily Emily dear Emily,
I think of you so much. I think of us, and all the funny, nice things we've done, and all the nicer things we're going to do. I think of nice places and people, and, when I think of them, you're always there, always tall and death-mouthed and big-eyed and no-voiced, with a collegiate ribbon or a phallic hat. I think of us in pubs and clubs and cinemas and beds. I think I love you.
(Dylan Thomas a Emily Holmes)
En el escritorio de Cernuda se encontraron unas cartas de amor maravillosas escritas a un tipo equis. Estaban cuidadosamente atadas con unas cintas. Nos preguntábamos quién sería el destinatario, hasta que un día lo descubrimos: era un personaje de una novela de André Gide. Eran cartas de amor escritas con detenida caligrafía, las metió en un sobre, anotó el nombre sagrado, para después irlas guardando, una a una, en un cajón. Cartas de amor a un ser inexistente, encendidas y conmovedoras. Uno no imagina encontrar, aunque sea en la literatura, al ser amado ideal absoluto.
(Huberto Batis)
Ricky, I love you so so much and I will always love you. Sincerely, Alex King.
(Alex King (12 años) a Rick Chavis (40). Alex está acusado de asesinar a su padre, el mejor amigo de Chavis. Rick Chavis está acusado de abusos sexuales a menores.)[Detalles, AQUÍ]
Me gustan tus labios de gominola.
(X. a Bob)
El ruido de ciudad en los cristales
acabará por ser tu única música,
y las cartas de amor que hayas guardado
serán tu última literatura.
(JOAN MARGARIT, "No tires las cartas de amor")